Virtual instruction for students in Fayette County Public Schools kicks off on Thursday and Friday, January 7 and 8, 2021. FCPS will continue to review the safety procedures that allow for the return to in-person learning.

All schools and special programs will provide remote instruction only for the weeks of January 11-15, 2021 and January 19-22, 2021. On Tuesday, January 12, FCPS determines what to do about January 25-29, 2021. The goal is to give families and staff ample time for planning and preparation.

FCPS Acting Superintendent Marlene Helm explains the FCPS Covid-19 In-Person Learning Matrix. The addition of a purple phase to the state’s green, yellow, orange, and red categories in the FCPS Matrix was in order to clearly identify the circumstances under which we would consider a return to campus while we are in red.

When possible, the district will follow a graduated return model that brings students back to in-person instruction by grade level:

  • Phase 1: grades K-2
  • Phase 2: grades 3-5, 6, 9 and 12
  • Phase 3: grades 7, 8, 10 and 11
  • Phase 4: preschool.

Remote learning will continue to be provided five days a week for students whose families prefer that option.

“We remain hopeful that our community will work together to reduce the levels of COVID-19 so that we can begin the transition to in-person learning. It is going to take each and every one of us to follow the health measures we know will help mitigate the spread of this disease – wearing masks, practicing proper hand washing, and maintaining social distancing as much as possible. It will take determination, grit and perseverance, but I know from experience that if it can be done anywhere, it can happen here in Fayette County,” says Helm.